
The musings of a nerd

Routing Rails Resources

— Dec 09, 2014

Recently I had a conversation with a coworker about the routes in their app. It turns out that they (an experienced Rails dev) had not seen nested resources on collections rather than members. (If you don’t know what that means, stay tuned.) During our discussion I quickly realized I had some serious gaps in my knowledge of Rails routing as well!.. TO THE INTERNET

A Basic Resource

One of the simplest routes in a Rails app is a resource. A plural resource generates 8 routes.

# in config/rountes.rb
resources :foos

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
    foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
         POST   /foos(.:format)          foos#create
 new_foo GET    /foos/new(.:format)      foos#new
edit_foo GET    /foos/:id/edit(.:format) foos#edit
     foo GET    /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#show
         PATCH  /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#update
         PUT    /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#update
         DELETE /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#destroy

You can restrict the generated routes by :only defining particular actions. Let’s use that option for the following examples to keep outputs to a minimum.

# in config/routes.rb
- resources :foos
+ resources :foos, only: :index

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
    foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
-          POST   /foos(.:format)          foos#create
-  new_foo GET    /foos/new(.:format)      foos#new
- edit_foo GET    /foos/:id/edit(.:format) foos#edit
-      foo GET    /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#show
-          PATCH  /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#update
-          PUT    /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#update
-          DELETE /foos/:id(.:format)      foos#destroy


Depending on how familiar you are with Rails, you may not know what “Prefix” means in the context of routing. These names correspond to Rails generated path helpers. So what if you want to customize the name of these helper methods?

# in config/routes.rb
- resources :foos, only: :index
+ resources :foos, only: :index, as: :bar

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
-     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
+ bar_index GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index

You’ll notice that the prefix is now named after “bar” rather than “foo”. One tricky little detail is that the “index” path is no longer pluralized. Instead it has an “_index” suffix.


What if instead you want to change the URI for a particular resource without affecting the generated path helpers and associated controller? CAN DO!

# in config/routes.rb
- resources :foos, only: :index
+ resources :foos, only: :index, path: :bar

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
-     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
+     foos GET    /bar(.:format)           foos#index

Now the resource is accessed from “outside” the app by the URI /bar, but internally it is still referred to as foo. Don’t miss that the value of :path is used exactly as the resource’s path. It isn’t pluralized for a plural route.


You can also customize the name the controller name of your resource.

# in config/routes.rb
- resources :foos, only: :index
+ resources :foos, only: :index, controller: :bar

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
-     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
+     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          bar#index

You can see that this defines a route which expects a BarController to be defined. It’s also worth nothing that while the controller is (as always) suffixed with “Controller”, it does not pluralize the given name for plural resources.


Ruby programmers commonly use Ruby Module to namespace objects. By default all resources are defined at the top level. You may still want to take advantage of code organization by modules for your objects.

# in config/routes.rb
- resources :foos, only: :index
+ resources :foos, only: :index, module: :bar

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
-     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
+     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          bar/foos#index

If you’re not familiar with the output of the Rails routes rake task, it may not be immediately obvious what’s going on here. But the short of it is that the controller must now we “namespaced” by a Bar Module. So the relevant controller would be Bar::FoosController. Conveniently the URI pattern and “prefix” (which corresponds to path helpers) are not affected by this option. Sweet.


Commonly enough it is desirable to “prefix” path helpers, URI, and the controller with an identifier. One example of such might be “nesting” a number of resources in an “admin” namespace.

# in config/routes.rb
- resources :foos, only: :index
+ namespace :bar do
+   resources :foos, only: :index
+ end

# output of bin/rake routes:
Prefix Verb   URI Pattern              Controller#Action
-     foos GET    /foos(.:format)          foos#index
+ bar_foos GET    /bar/foos(.:format)      bar/foos#index

This is the first “block style” routing directive that you’re seeing. Route namespaces are specified by calling the namespace method with a block defining the namespaced resources. If you only wish to namespace a single resource, it might be tempting to pass a :namespace option to your resource. Be warned! It doesn’t work as you might expect.

Nested Resources

It is often desirable to design routes based on the relations that exist in your model. For example, if you wanted to get all comments made by a user you might expect the route for this resource to exist at /users/jay/comments.

A Basic Nested Resource

As a baseline here is the most basic nested resource. Much like the basic resource, a suite of routes is defined for each resource.

# in config/routes.rb
resources :foos do
  resources :bars

# output of bin/rake routes:
      Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                           Controller#Action
    foo_bars GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars(.:format)          bars#index
             POST   /foos/:foo_id/bars(.:format)          bars#create
 new_foo_bar GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars/new(.:format)      bars#new
edit_foo_bar GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars/:id/edit(.:format) bars#edit
     foo_bar GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars/:id(.:format)      bars#show
             PATCH  /foos/:foo_id/bars/:id(.:format)      bars#update
             PUT    /foos/:foo_id/bars/:id(.:format)      bars#update
             DELETE /foos/:foo_id/bars/:id(.:format)      bars#destroy
        foos GET    /foos(.:format)                       foos#index
             POST   /foos(.:format)                       foos#create
     new_foo GET    /foos/new(.:format)                   foos#new
    edit_foo GET    /foos/:id/edit(.:format)              foos#edit
         foo GET    /foos/:id(.:format)                   foos#show
             PATCH  /foos/:id(.:format)                   foos#update
             PUT    /foos/:id(.:format)                   foos#update
             DELETE /foos/:id(.:format)                   foos#destroy

That’s a ton of routes for 3 lines. You will notice that the “nested” resource establishes routes “beneath” individual “parent” resources. Also as you might have expected, you get 16 routes. 8 for each resource. In effort to keep noise to a minimum, you will use the only: :index option from here on.


You may not have caught the detail that “bars”, while indeed nested in the path helper and URI, were not namespaced at the controller. Grab the familiar module option to nest the controller.

# in config/routes.rb
resources :foos, only: :index do
-  resources :bars, only: :index
+  resources :bars, only: :index, module: :baz

# output of bin/rake routes:
      Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                           Controller#Action
-    foo_bars GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars(.:format)          bars#index
+    foo_bars GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars(.:format)          baz/bars#index
        foos GET    /foos(.:format)                       foos#index

Perhaps the contrived nature of the example doesn’t do the behavior justice, but you may run into a case for this eventually.


Above I mentioned that the nested resource is under an individual “member” (instance) of the parent resource. So what if we wanted to nest under the “collection”?

# in config/routes.rb
resources :foos, only: :index do
-  resources :bars, only: :index
+  controller do
+    resources :bars, only: :index
+  end

# output of bin/rake routes:
      Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                           Controller#Action
-    foo_bars GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars(.:format)          bars#index
+    foo_bars GET    /foos/bars(.:format)                  bars#index
        foos GET    /foos(.:format)                       foos#index

Now the resource is nested beneath the Foos’ index action as opposed to an individual Foo record. Similar to the namespace method, collection only works as expected in the block form. Confusingly, you may specify an on: :collection option for the nested resource, but the behavior is not as expected.

Other Options

Additional resource options, such as :path and :as, also work with nested resources. You should note, however, that Rails still prefixes paths and helpers with the parent resource.

# in config/routes.rb
resources :foos, only: :index do
-  resources :bars, only: :index
+  resources :bars, only: :index, as: :baz, path: qux

# output of bin/rake routes:
      Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                           Controller#Action
-    foo_bars GET    /foos/:foo_id/bars(.:format)          bars#index
+    foo_baz  GET    /foos/:foo_id/qux(.:format)           bars#index
        foos GET    /foos(.:format)                       foos#index

But wait, there’s more!

There’s always more. Routing can be very complicated. There are a lot of options, so covering all their possible combinations would be exhausting. We didn’t even talk about constraints. Take some time to explore the options and be creative when defining routes. You will likely run into cases where you want to model them in a specific way. Chances are you are able to accomplish what you want to. If you have to much difficulty your design may be smelling. Seek some advise from a peer!

Good luck routing! Let me know if the comments if anything is unclear or glaringly missing.