
The musings of a nerd

Unit Testing JavaScript

— Jan 27, 2015

Update - The jasmine-npm module and its README is an even more to the point example of this setup. Check it out https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine-npm.

TL;DR - I had to learn myself to unit test JavaScript recently. I made a repository to illustrate my findings.

I tend to lean heavily on TDD to realize the design of objects. I recently had to jump into some JavaScript and wanted the same advantage while writing it. I found it tricky to come about a unit testing setup, so this is the result of my afternoon experimenting. I’m fairly pleased with the result, but I wouldn’t trust it as idiomatic.

The Things


The goto whenever you want to run JavaScript outside of the browser. I’m running this test suite from the command line.


The test framework I settled on is Jasmine. Currently, I really like the RSpec style of writing tests, and this scratches that itch in JavaScript world.


I’m a command line guy, so I really want to be able to run these tests “headless”. Grunt is a JavaScript task runner that has a jasmine plugin for headless test runs.

To use Grunt on the command line, I also need to install the grunt-cli library.



If you use Homebrew, the Node.js install is straight forward:

$ brew install node

Node Modules

Once node is installed, I use npm (“node package manager”) to install the JavaScript dependencies. These are stored in a file named package.json in the root directory of your project. Here are the dependencies for our simple test suite:

Install the JavaScript dependencies:

$ npm install

Create Gruntfile.js

This file configures the Grunt task runner. Here is a simple configuration:

This file looks for JavaScript files in the ./lib directory and finds spec files named *Spec.js in the ./spec/lib directory.

Run the suite

I skipped over adding specs in this post. Checkout my example repo for a simple, complete example. You can run the test suite with this command:

$ grunt jasmine

You should see output like:

Running "jasmine:tappy" (jasmine) task
Testing jasmine specs via PhantomJS

   ✓ does stuff

1 spec in 0.004s.
>> 0 failures

Done, without errors.

That’s all, folks

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments! I may not know the answer, but I love opportunities to learn!