
The musings of a nerd

A Method by Any Other Name

— Feb 23, 2016

A quick post about when I choose to alias methods in Ruby, and when I don’t.

If you have programmed Ruby at all, you have probably noticed that there are a lot of ways to do one thing. For example, to raise an error, you can use the raise method or you can use the fail method. Both have exactly the same behavior. In fact, they are exactly the same thing. If you check out the docs for fail, you’ll see… raise. So why have it? Semantics.

Ruby provides us with the ability to choose the method that best communicates intent. The late Jim Weirich had a somewhat well known semantic for fail vs. raise. He would use fail for irrecoverable errors (or… failures), and he would use raise for errors that may be caught elsewhere. Avdi Grimm was kind enough to capture Jim’s opinion in a post. There are a number of other examples throughout the Ruby codebase, e.g. Enumerable#inject and Enumerable#reduce. It’s all in the name of writing self-evident code.

When to alias a method…

In short, alias a method when the new method you’re exposing is literally another word for the same thing. Let’s check out an example.

A Part

Here’s a snippet of code that was recently discussed in code review.

class Foo
  def part


  def locate
    # some part locating logic

The comment came on the implementation of part.

Why not just alias_method :part, :locate?

It makes sense, the entire implementation of part is literally calling another method. So save a couple lines and make it an alias, right?

This introduces a cognitive “WAT”. Making the part method an alias of locate states that it literally carries the same semantic meaning as locate. These two methods actually have two distinct purposes.

  1. part - expose a public interface on Foo for getting its part.
  2. locate - do something to find the part for Foo.

This becomes especially apparent when a new requirement comes in.

Optimize Foo#part by memoizing the located value.

If you had aliased locate, you would now be ripping that out to implement an actual part method.

 def part
-  locate
+  @part ||= locate

Beyond this practical advantage, there is also cognitive gain. You know at a glance of the class that “Foo has a part” rather than “Apparently Foo’s locate is also known as a part” (???).

So when then?

Assume that you have shipped Foo. It’s out in the wild and a number of other’s depend on the fact that Foo has a part. However, you decide that part isn’t the best name for this data member. You want to refer to it as widget henceforth.

 def part
   @part ||= locate
+alias_method :widget, :part

The reader of your code immediately recognizes that widget is just another name for part. But please do consider a deprecation message.

© Jay Hayes