
The musings of a nerd

Integrated Testing with React Native, Part 1: Generator Functions

— Sep 06, 2017

Originally featured on the Big Nerd Ranch Blog.

Love it or hate, JavaScript is everywhere. Recently, I took another step toward assimilation by attending the Big Nerd Ranch Front-end Essentials bootcamp. And… all biases aside, IT WAS GREAT! I began the week with two goals:

  1. How to even modern CSS?
  2. React Native sounds cool, but how to test?

Thankfully, the answer to my first goal was “stop being lazy, Jay. Learn flexbox.” The second part was a little more subtle, and I expanded upon the ideas that I had learned in class once I returned home. Throughout the next few posts on the topic, I’ll explain my findings.

Object Traversal

In my recent experience, getting started with React Native testing is a little rough. There are good tools for snapshot testing and shallow rendering, but I wanted something capable of deep rendering without the tight coupling of a full snapshot. To start, I began digging into the output of React’s test renderer which is used with snapshot testing. As it turns out, the results of test rendering are a deeply-nested, often circular object tree.

The first hurdle in establishing a strategy for integrated component testing with React Native is picking out particular nodes in deeply nested object trees. The below screenshots illustrate this nesting. So for example, you might want to assert that certain text is found somewhere in the hierarchy. If you have any functional programming leanings, you may immediately think of this as a recursive problem, and to be honest, it’s quite natural to reason about the problem recursively.

React Native Diagram

Recursion is great, but it can be tricky to bail early on the routine if you’re only interested in finding the first matching node. Not to mention the complicated story with tail-call optimization in JavaScript. Modern JavaScript provides a useful tool for solving our traversal problem: Generator Functions.

Take a moment to theorize the usage of such a generator function:

let dom = {
  type: 'div',
  props: {
    className: 'main',
    children: [
      { type: 'h1', props: { children: 'Welcome to React!' } }

let each = visit(dom) // This is your traversal generator!

for (let node of each) {
// { type: 'div', props: [Object] }
// 'div'
// { className: 'main', children: [Array] }
// 'main'
// [ [Object] ]
// { type: 'h1', props: [Object] }
// 'hi'
// { children: 'Welcome to React!' }
// 'Welcome to React!'

Since the return value of generators conform to the iterable protocol, they can be used with the for..of construct! So how should the visit() function be implemented?

Writing visit()

Here’s your generator function signature. Don’t forget the asterisk!

function* visit(obj) {

The data structures encountered in React Native are often very deeply nested (and sometimes circular), so with that foresight it makes sense to implement visit() as a breadth-first search. To avoid recursion stack limits in JavaScript, revert back to good-ole looping. Initialize a queue with the subject of your search and loop until you’re all out of nodes:

function* visit(obj) {
  let queue = [obj], next
  while(queue.length > 0) {
    next = queue.shift()
    yield next
    // think of the children!

Hurray, you have visited the first object, but the algorithm is incomplete. How can you visit each of its children?

To answer this question, consider the types of children that must also be visited: arrays and objects. Take those into account:

function* visit(obj) {
  let queue = [obj], next
  while(queue.length > 0) {
    next = queue.shift()
    yield next
    if (Array.isArray(next)) {
    } else if(next instanceof Object) {

So, if the next value in queue is an Array, add all its values to the array. Otherwise, if it’s any sort of object, add all of its enumerable properties to the queue. The spread operator (...) is particularly handy for this use.

That’s it! You can now visit each node in any object graph. However, there are a couple more things to consider.


For general use cases, it may not be desirable to require folks to deal with visit() directly. Instead, you might want to expose a more functional interface such as each():

var obj = {
  type: 'div'
  props: {}
each(obj, console.log)
// { type: 'div', props: {} }
// 'div'
// {}

Providing such an interface is very straight-forward:

function each(obj, fn) {
  let visitor = visit(obj)
  for (let node of visitor) {

More interestingly, we can build on visit() to provide other common functions on collections. Take find() for example, which returns the first match without visiting the entire tree:

function find(obj, match) {
  let each = visit(obj)
  for (let node of each) {
    if (match(node)) {
      return node

find({ foo: { bar: 'it me' } }, n => n.bar === 'it me')
// { bar: 'it me' }

You can imagine even more functions implemented in this way. Give map(), count(), and select() a try on your own!

Circular References

There is one more edge case to consider. Circular references are trivially easy to create in JavaScript, and such an object would result in infinite looping with our current implementation of visit():

var obj = {}
obj.self = obj
each(obj, console.log) // THIS IS THE LOOP THAT NEVER ENDS

The issue is easily addressed by ensuring that the exact same node is never visited twice. You can accomplish this by keeping track of which nodes have been seen:

 function* visit(obj) {
-  let queue = [obj], next
+  let queue = [obj], next, seen = new Set()
   while(queue.length > 0) {
     next = queue.shift()
+    if (seen.has(next)) { continue }
+    seen.add(next)
     yield next
     if (Array.isArray(next)) {
     } else if(next instanceof Object) {

Hurray, no more infinite loops!

But… Testing?

Theory and generalizations are fun and all, but how can we use this practically? I promised to relate this to React Native testing. You’ll have to look out for the next post to see how this all comes together. Stay tuned!